so for the last few days I have been trying to dial in my hover, but I seem to be making it worse not better... I've read tones of threads here and the wiki plus several videos on pid tuning and setup, but I can't seem to get it right, attached are my the settings that I just flew with, I seem to have made it even worse this time not better.
In the video I'm completely off stick after about the first 5 seconds, with just the slightest left/right roll every now again to keep it in shot.
I've checked the baro, and its good, scope shows no more than about 1m of change.
ESC's should be calibrated fine, not had problems with that.
I believe that the motors + props should be more than powerful enough, in thrust mode I can rocket into the sky way too fast

to this end I tried adjusting the velocity prop lower.
I've also tried adjusting the filters (sensor tuning on the Expert page).
I guess the first question is just how steady a hover should you be able to achieve, maybe I'm being unrealistic?
Second, should I do a full reset of the settings and try again or continue from where I am, stock setting were slightly better than this video, but not what I was expecting.