Hoping I can get a ball park set of PID's to get it close enough and not be too scary. I know all heli's are different, but I would think that settings for a 450 or 500 should get me closer. Heli is a Trex 470. Also, any other recommendations or changes that you see I might need.
I believe in giving as much info as possible....so here it comes.
My back ground so you know a little about me - I'm pretty much a heli noob. I had a Blade CP nearly half a lifetime ago, but never got much stick time....then crashed it. I was out of the RC hobby for several years after that. About 5 years ago I got into multirotors. Started with DJI's, then moved to DIY. I can fly the snot out of those now, either stabilized or rate. I have 3 quads with CC3D's (one is the flying pig in my avatar...AKA Swine Flew), a quad with a Lumineer and a hexa with a Pixhawk. No problems with orientation in flight anymore.
Side bar - Yes, I designed and 3D printed the pig myself. Here's a video of the maiden voyage if you're interested. Sorta boring, but still....the pig is flying, lol.
I have practiced with Heli-X, lots and lots of hours. Can hover pretty stable (have practiced with high and low head speeds) right side up as well as inverted. Flip and roll in any direction...flip in, roll out etc. I configured Heli-X and my heli so the switches are the same (muscle/reaction memory training).
So, thankfully you're not dealing with a TOTAL noob.
Hardware/Software setup:Heli = Trex 470LM
CC3D Atom mounted roughly centered below mainshaft. Upside down, so roll is 180 out. Mounting is double sided foam.
Align 470MX motor
Align BL50X ESC - Configuration = No brake, mid timing, high cutoff voltage protect, soft start w/governor enabled, quick throttle response
Align DS450M/DS455M servos running at 8.4v
Taranis X9D Plus and X8R Rx
X8R<-->CC3D via Sbus
-Initial setup (heli and CC3D) seems OK. All controls and switches work as they should.
-Collective runs -12 to +12 degrees
-I'm starting with 50% head speed.
-Mode was/is all rate until tuning is better dialed and I feel OK with trying attitude and axis lock.
-Only working with settings bank 1 for the moment. After I get a base line I may set up another for dual head speeds.
-I created a noob training gear from 1/2" PVC and a 4 way connector, because...well, you know. I strapped it to a bench in my shop and spooled it up to make sure things looked OK and nothing came flying apart. Unbelievably I nailed blade tracking first try.
-No expo/curves at the moment. Might want to add some? 10% on pitch/roll? I generally don't use it on my multis. No idea what heli's generally need.
-Tx has no curves, modes or anything of the sort programmed in. Just ins, outs and logic for the switches. As I said above, it all is functioning fine.

With much trepidation I did a 6" lift off this morning. Enough to know it's drifting forward and left, and the tail twitches pretty good.
I will subtract more roll and pitch in the attitude tab under "rotate virtual" to compensate for the drift. I had already subtracted 2.5 degrees from roll to begin with, knowing that left drift was likely. I had nothing subtracted from pitch. Next try will be 5 subtracted from each, unless someone has a better idea. One thing about this heli is the landing skids are tilted so that the heli frame/mainshaft sit tilted forward a little when it's sitting level on the skids. Will there be further compensation needed for that?
So, anyone have and recommendations to get this thing closer to easy lift off and hands off stable hover?
Thanks a bunch for taking the time. Cheers!