Beta. Really stretching my memory here.
Executive summary: Don't bother to mess with it. It is only a stick feel / flight smoothness thing, not a stability thing (unless you need help keeping your stick motions smooth to avoid problems with a marginally stable aircraft
There are several forms of PIDs. We use two for historical reasons shall I say... This form of PID has a setpoint weight called beta. Setpoint is like "my throttle stick is at 70%" vs. 60 or 80 which says it is calling for a multirotor climb at say 1 meter per second instead of 0 or 2 (yes GPS mode throttle stick from 40 to 60 is zero, for the deadband).
Beta is usually less than 1.0 and is a multiplicative factor, so 1.0 is basically 100%
If it is set to zero, then when
you change the climb rate suddenly it ignores your P setting and only responds slowly, as the I term determines over time that the climb rate is wrong and winds up to adjust it. Note though that if
the environment changes the climb rate (imagine a sudden downdraft) that it responds with both the P and I terms. As you can see with it almost 1.0, it has very little of this effect.
Now I will try to imagine a use for it. I have VtolPFS velocities set above stock and I notice that when I try to start slowly from a fixed hover, that it jumps into forward flight fairly hard. If I adjusted my HorizontalVel PID Beta to a lower value, I imagine it would be smoother.