I've used to follow the same assumptions. I also usually do thermal calibrations over a range of -10C to +90C as sometimes I fly in very cold or very hot (38-40C+ and the sun additionally heating the board) weather. May be a little overkill, though.
I've also made auxmag calibrations for every type of battery I use on the copter and save them (AuxMagSettings & RevoSettings) together with StabilizationSettingsBank1,2,3, SystemIdentSettings, FlightBattery Settings (for cells count and capacity), Mixer Settings (for ThrottleCurve), AltitudeHold (for ThrustLimits.Neutral) as UAV preset files for every combination of battery and props I use to fly with. I upload them to the FC before flight is necessary.
In fact I've found that mag needs recalibration if the flight zone is too far away from the calibration point (many hundreds of kilometers). I've not tested yet if the new setting of EKFConfiguration | MapMagnetometerToHorizontalPlane = "True" will help to reduce the negative effect of not doing mag recalibration in this case.
As for my observation of shifting accel calibration values, I've found that it is an issue with the calibration procedure in the firmware, it messes subsequent calibrations with previous ones and produces more and more shifted values. Easy to avoid by setting accel_bias.x,y,z=0, accel_scale.x,y,z=1 and gyro_bias.x,y,z=0 before starting the calibration.
P.S. I've just tested in real flight both quads - UAV1 & UAV2, INS13 (with the new EKF defaults and new firmware changes from f5soh) and the same mag calibrations as before - they both fly perfectly well, either in Attitide, or in autonomous modes.