I have been reading the developer documentation, and I would like to confirm that what I intend to do is possible and respects the development philosophy of Librepilot. Here is what I would like to do:
Control the ESCs directly from a computer running ROS or pure python. I have position and orientation feedback from a motion capture system connected to the computer.
Minimal + override computer command with a transmitter if desired.
I have a good experience programming Atmega controllers at low level, as well as general programming experience with C, C# and python. I understand that the UAVtalk protocol could allow me to send commands directly to the quadcopter. Is that correct? I would have to generate at python library with an XML file. Then, my python code could communicate through an XBee or bluetooth module to the firmware using the serial port.
Would that system work with low latency? I would be using the motion capture system that gives me updates at 250 Hz. Could the communication be done at that speed if I only send commands and request no telemetry?
Thanks, help could save me a lot of time!