Howzit guys,
All the way from South Africa and I have a question.
I have my 250 up and running for a while now, but need some help with tuning.
I have setup my CC3D for flips and rolls (Rattitude) and I can do them successfully, BUT, in order for them to be nice and snappy as they are, my Max Rate Limit is sitting at 720deg/s, but that makes my normal flight basically unflyable. Going down on that makes the flips too slow. As I've read, the Max Rate Limit applies to all modes, so this affects attitude as well.
I'm not proficient with Rate mode yet, but my suspicion is that if I get Rate mode down and wanna do flips, the Max Rate Limit will also make my quad sort of too twitchy to fly if my flips are set for 720deg/s.
I've also tried dialing in some expo. Started at 30% but my controls are so retarded that I can't fly. Down to 25% and it's better, but stick movement near center still feels to jelly. Down to 20% and I can fly her, but proximity flying is now downright dangerous, because trying to get out a tight spot with lots of stick action, she just pitches or rolls HEAVILY and into the ground if I'm not fast enough to correct. I don't like to let go of the sticks, I try to correct and keep to my pattern of flying.
So, my question is this, is there SOMEWHERE to disable that Max Rate Limit and just have Rattitude and at 80% switch over to Rate and then the Rate deg/s takes over to flip?
My mode transition % from Attitude to Rate is set at 95%, so I can be sure that I still have most of the stick movement to fly Attitude, but only at full stick deflection does she swap to Rate and flips, but that darn Max Rate Limit is buggering me around.
Please help!