First of all, default PIDs are such that they should work on most quads. If they don't then you need to tune them, but you can't just copy PIDs from another software.
LibrePilot is using dual-loop PID controller and some values might be scaled differently in GCS. It is definitely not exchangeable value between different firmwares.
Here is movie that explains what PIDs are visually
To tune PIDs you can use EasyTune by setting knob on your transmitter to output to specific channel, then in GCS you bind that channel with accesory 0,1 etc.. and you can use that in EasyTune module. It's explained on Wiki. It's a bit easier than tunning P,I,D for all roll,pitch,yaw separately. If you have Revo board, you can try Autotune, but you have to check final PIDs if they make sense and are not too high.