display motor output values? disarm?
« on: August 13, 2019, 10:10:57 am »

I am flying copter for five years (Nanowii, APM), but new to LibrePilot. After having problems with installing a CC3D board with betaflight, I came to LP and could flash the controller immediately. 1 big point for LP!
As I walked through the ground station to understand all the features, there came two questions:
* is there a display for the calculated motor PWM values, where I can see if the correct motors spin, e.g. tilting the board to the front with neutral stick position, so the front motors will increase speed? I always found this a useful feature when installing a frame.
* how would I disarm the copter, excluding powering-off?

« Last Edit: August 13, 2019, 06:37:46 pm by f5soh »


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Re: display motor output values? disarm?
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2019, 06:33:47 pm »
* is there a display for the calculated motor PWM values, where I can see if the correct motors spin, e.g. tilting the board to the front with neutral stick position, so the front motors will increase speed? I always found this a useful feature when installing a frame.

In scope tab your will able to choose the "Actuators" scope after enabling the "Edit Gadgets mode" into the Window menu.
ActuatorCommand.Channel.0 = output 1,
ActuatorCommand.Channel.1 = output 2,

* how would I disarm the copter, excluding powering-off?

Use stick or switch/accessory option for arming instead of "Always armed"