I managed to avoid hitting the wall.
As you explained, I thought there was a problem with the test inside.
So I tested it in a wide outdoor area.
The flight proceeded without any major problems.
Thank you very much.
Vertical rise or drift problem, as you explained, tried to use GPS.
Before I went outside, I proceeded to magnetometer calibration as follows.
https://librepilot.atlassian.net/wiki/display/LPDOC/Sensor+calibrationHowever, when I set the GPS outside, it was not displayed in Flight Data. I thought it was caused by an alarm on MAG.
So I did the magnetometer calibration again, but there was still an alarm on the MAG.
I use the Ublox M8N GPS Module NEO-M8N.
What is the problem?
Upload relevant videos.
Thank you for your advice.