It could depend on lots of factors
I understand, i2c is due to i2c problem. but I already had a ublox m8n gps to adapt which is substantially one of the most used, and not so chip at all. And nobody told me which gps to use. I just made some research on the forum and google.
At last I substantially used the procedure reported here on the wiki which reports clearly ubx settings. I didn't find any unrecomandation for ubx as was instead for nmea protocol. wizard procedure also let me choose between some gps, where my ubex m8n+mag is included. I found no advices about any kind of possibly trouble about it.
By the way, I'm confident that the board has some other primary problem, due to something else. Infact, if i disable gps and mag from ports, and i detach wiring, the board won't arm up either in basic(complementary mode).
the internal mag remains within 5-6%, maybe max 10%, and i set the max allowance at 15.
Then when I try to arm it immediately red flash the atti and stab warnings, which causes the board to not arm.
I can see some lags in the gcs tx/rx inputs tab... and in the lower window, i can see that bps is on red area with more than 2200bps received either when the board was with clean firmware.
As a try to monitor bps, I installed Dronin Gcs+ firmware, which is similar to librepilot, and I saw that rx packets were in the green area (800-800bps) but the board is unstable and reboot every few minutes.
Then I ask myself if this misfunction on librepilot could be due to too much data sent?
p.s. I clearly tried also to shorten the wiring and twisting with an additional mass cable, but no improvements.
I never had i2c troubles before, with other cpu also, with other electronic devices, made sometimes also with very ugly soldering points.