Everything works fine with the OSD, except the RSSI always show 100%
I was expecting/hoping to see data from OPLinkStatus.RSSI(dBm) but it seems to show OPLinkStatus.LinkQuality()?
Using the LP_All_From_Revo170818.hex code.
Hello Karl
I haven't used or looked at the original MinOPOSD code for long ago. A link to its source code is available on
LibrePilot Documentation / User Manual / Howto / MinOPOSD setup page to research, modify and recompile it by yourself, if you like:
https://bitbucket.org/f5soh/minoposd/src/master/When I downloaded the source code to try to tailor it to my preferences (2016 if I recall correctly), it had to be compiled using older Adruino 1.0.5-r2, also some libraries like FastSerial were required. Don't know if code was updated to newer Adruino IDE meanwhile. I did't mind using 1.0.5, despite its imperfections, so I stayed with it.
I'm pasting here the reply to your message. Seems that Personal Messages do not allow attaching files.
My configurations are the same: Revolution, Oplink and MinimOSD board. However I've modified the original MinOpOSD code to my taste
As Atmega328p program space is quite limited, I chose to make the code configurable (conditional defines) for different targets I have (CC3D or Revo / Multirotor or Plane) to include or not specific functionalities. I've also cut a lot of stuff I felt useless to free space and add more important features.
I wish to have enough time to make the code cleaner and easier to configure, make some documentation and make a dedicated OSD_Config tool for it, before I share it with the Librepilot community. I'm afraid, however, this may not happen soon...
If you would like to test, I'm uploading here a hex file (
MinimOSD_JDL_Wing_NoTempMonitoring.hex) for the MinimOSD, almost the same as the one in my Mini Talon. I've only disabled the code for temperatures display and respective overheating warnings, as you don't have these sensors in your build. The code uses current and voltage sensors connected to Revo and some of its features rely on data coming from them, if you don't use current and voltage monitoring, you can probably just disable related fields in OSD Panels...
After flashing the hex file in the MinimOSD, you should also upload (using OSD_Config.exe) the
charset file (
Charset_1_3_0 - jdl v.15b.mcm) and
OSD Panel settings file (
OSD_Settings_Wing_NoTemperature.osd). Of couse you can later reorder the panels layout to your taste, just keep in mind some fields have changed length that the OSD_Config does not display right and some other fields show completely different things (example:
WP Distance displays
LongTermSafetyRaduis & EfficiencyEstimation/GlideDistance instead).
TX sticks setup (OSD Toggle Channel to Panel3 while disarmed) in the OSD allows to set the battery capacity in mAh and low voltage warning threshold (single LiPo cell).
Hardcoded settings:
1. OSD Toggle Channel is Ch7!
2. Stall speed (airspeed) warning threshold is set to 40km/h (good for my MT, I guess will be good for Rebel Talon too).
3. GPS LAT, LON values are displayed in xx.xxxxxx format, no letters, no negative numbers. Can be changed, of course, but needs to recompile the code.
4. All values are in metric system: m, km, m/s, km, h, WattHours/km, etc.
5. Combined compass heading and rose.
I run Next r735 based firmware and the MinimOSD code has UAVObject IDs for r735 but I recall there are no changes in r782 that will affect it.
Fly time: Time passed in armed state AFTER the first throttle burst (takeoff). Gliding without throttle counts!
Est time: Estimated remaining time, based on battery capacity, used mAh
and travelled distance and time-in-flight (since takeoff). Does not count gliding without throttle.
LTSR (LongTermSafetyRadius): Estimates how further (from the takeoff point) the plane can go before it has to turn back and return with the remaining battery power. Uses battery capacity, used energy (mAh), travelled distance. Calculation is made with 20% battery capacity in reserve.
Eff (Efficiency Estimation): Efficiency of motor flight (in WattHour/km). When throtte is off displays estimated gliding distance until touching the ground.
Alt: Absolute altitude (GPS based).
HA: Altitude, relative to takeoff point (GPS based).
BA: Altitude, relative to takeoff point (Baro based).
MOD/ASWA: Displays flight mode (ST1, ST2, MAN, RTB, PH, AC, etc.). MOD label is replaced with ASWA label, if ASWA is enabled and activated.
LOS: Distance to home point line-of-sight.
Vgnd: Ground projected speed (GPS speed).
V3d: Speed in the direction (3d space) of flight (calculated from GPS speed and baro climb/descend speed).
Vair: Air speed (pitot tube).
Vertical speed (m/min): Baro based, different symbols for climbing and descending.
CA: Measured current draw (A).
[%A]: Remaining battery capacity (based on initial battery capacity (when full) and comsumed energy).
[%V]: Remaining battery capacity (based on battery voltage).
RSSI: Values for RSSI (dB) and LinkQuality on the Revo FC side are displayed.
Disarmed and not Ready to Arm,
Disarmed but Ready to Arm,
Arming... indications.
Reset OSD Home Location by moving Radio Control (Mode2) right stick (Roll/Evelator) to upper right.
Warning for low battery
Warning for GoHomeNow! (LTSR < 0)
Warning for below stall speed threshold
Warning for low RSSI, low LQ (Link Quality). Hardcoded thresholds are
RSSI < -84 /
LQ < 105.
Warnings switch immediately to OSD Panel 1 and flash there (like in original MinOpOsd). Unlike it, if warning condition persists for more than approx. 3 seconds, OSD switches back to the panel that was active before alarm and the warning text flashes there.
These are maybe other things I don't remember right now.
Would appreciate to get your comments if this MinimOSD firmware works for you.
P.S. I realized I cannot attach files to the message. I'll post the same in the forum and I'll upload files there.