I am not an engineer in aeronautics, but intuitively I see it like this
- More propellers or pitch, higher interference between blades / vibrations or risk of entering Vortex Ring State (VRS) and loss of control.
- More propeller or pitch, also increases surface. This means that you need to spin at lower RPM to deliver the same lift. The RPM is determined by PWM signal which kind of regulates the voltage (average square wave) the motor is receiveing. Higher surfaces can increase current drain (Amps), but voltage needed also drops. I think of it also as 1W converts to 1J/s, this suggest that if motor needs to spin less in certain amount of time, it does less work in that time, so Watts are a bit smaller and possibly slightly longer flight time.
Correct me if I am wrong with above. I am not an expert just trying to explain myself observations
Also there might be plenty of factors that affect propeller efficiency, surface (pitch, length), shape, weight, angle of the pitch..etc I think it's hard to compare one propeller just based on one parameter, as many companies produced props that often differ by more than just that one parameter.