I been off for a while. My lapt is Dual boot, and a recent windows 10 update damage the MBR (Master Boot record), and enlarge the partition, causing windows to step in to the Linux partition, long story short. I lost my linux partition, and can't be recovered. I tryed
,different utilities, but it was a no go.
So I am in the process to get everything back together.
Last time I flew with the 5000mAh, it was like it has been. Normal flight fo a dicent time. the I replace the battery for the small one, and looks like the connector got off some how, and the quad got no power in mid air. I end up with a big crash.
1. The gimball got bent
(Streched out, Ok now)2. Gimball controller USB port crush and all pins bent
(Streched out, Ok and working fine)3. The fiberglass pipes on the frame got all crush
(Can flight, but looking for a replacement) 4. The pins in the FC bent
(All strech out, Ok now)5. GPS mast broke
(Cut the broken part, Mast Ok now)6. Camera lost the battery cover
(I found it 10m a way from chrash)I was able to recover all.
As soon as I finish with my Laptop and been busy with work I will be givin a try.
Thanks to all for your reply.