So I'm still fairly new to the quadcoptors and especially new to reconfiguring/upgrading. I recently got all new simonk 30amp escs to upgrade from my old hobby wing 10amp no bac that came originally on the drone. It was a cheap pre built qav280 off raiden tech that actually flew great, and it uses the cc3d board. recently I crashed and ruined a motor and esc so figured it be time I just upgrade them. First I did motors and it worked other then the one esc was fried. So then I got these 30amp and finally got em all wired up and reconfigured my programming on the computer. I set my arming settings and saved. When I try to arm it now it does nothing. Like I didn't even hit a stick on the controller. I've spent the last 4 hrs straight messing with this and I'm fed up! Lol can anyone explain to me as to why after upgrading the damn thing just won't arm?!?