After I crashed* Amarillo today I tried to reposition the Atom controller to "Normal" but it won't go. If you mount the controller right-side-up you can not access the USB port on this heli. I had to mount it with print facing down and servo pins rearward.
Again I have the same problem that I had with Blackie last month and roll is correct on the PFD . To make Amarillo fly I put -1 for both Gyro and Accel Scales. That is the only combination I have found that get proper responses from the controller. Board attitude in aircraft is set at 0 roll, 0 pitch, 0 yaw.
The PFD is inverted so "Attitude" and probably "Weak Leveling" mode won't work. It flies really well in Rate, Rate, Axis Lock.
* Another tuning accident-- it did a 3 meter pitch pump when I flipped a mode toggle switch and it came down hard. Broke a lower CF frame part and bent the motor mount. I can't wait to be done tuning and adjusting. Stuff doesn't break some much when I just fly.
Attached is Blackie's uav from today. There was a little breeze, 10-15 mph, but the defaults on Outer Loops seemed to hold OK on roll and pitch.
Even though Pitch at 180 degrees does not work why doesn't roll 180 and yaw 180 take care of it?