Only one +5V line... you don't want two different +5v sources for one device.
OSD current is around 500mA, just be sure the power source can handle that.
Part 125 of the Micro Minim Osd.
Tried so many things but this happens to me at the moment, when connecting the battery voltage to monitor trough Osd I get all these strange numbers. The smallest touch down and the Osd disappears. When disconnecting the lipo voltage to Osd I don't get the strange numbers but the Osd overlay disappears with the smallest touch down. I tried connecting both 5v to the Osd, same result. Tried redirecting the ground wires from video Input together and separate, same result.
When connecting the video directly, so not passtrough the Osd I don't get the video glitch fall out on touch down.
All help or tips appreciated.
Only thing connected to the Osd is video in/out, rx/tx/ground/5v to main port on CC3D and ground/batt2 for lipo voltage.
Firmware is the KVteam Osd for micro minimosd analog input.hex file.
Just tried to power the Osd from the VTX clean 5v out, same result.
Here's a video of it.