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Hardware / Re: Power and signal distribution PCB for mini Revo flight controllers
« Last post by karla on August 07, 2022, 02:39:08 am »
Okay, thank you.

I realise my need is a very small number and maybe not worth the trouble to make it.
Can you give a price for 2 units that includes the heat sink+fan plus the two LM1085 5V 3A linear regulators?
In addition to that I am interested in two small(er) units with only with the servo pin part.
That will be installed in helicopters and need to be small but don't need gps, mags, osd etc

Maybe we can continue discussion in PMs.
Hardware / Re: Power and signal distribution PCB for mini Revo flight controllers
« Last post by trust on August 06, 2022, 08:35:23 pm »
Yes. There is a single heat sink+fan but underneath are two LM1085 5V 3A linear regulators. The left most one is used for the rcvr, flight controller, etc power. The right most one for servos, if there is no power supplied by the ESCs.
Hardware / Re: Power and signal distribution PCB for mini Revo flight controllers
« Last post by karla on August 06, 2022, 04:21:20 am »
thank you.

Is the BEC to the far right in the picture supplying both the two +5V sources?
or you have another BEC?

Hardware / Re: Power and signal distribution PCB for mini Revo flight controllers
« Last post by trust on August 05, 2022, 07:47:00 pm »
Here's a pix of one installed.
The mini Revo is on the bottom.
Two sets of 6 connectors - outputs plug in on the lower left of the PCB. I usually order them from 1-12 starting at the bottom.
Note ONLY the outputs connect to anything - power and ground are not connected from the mini REVO on the connector pin array.
The cPPM input, plus power gets connected to the bind input on the rcvr. (white/red/blk)
Power to the rcvr and then to the min-Revo comes from the 3 pin (only two used) connector (blk/green) middle left of the flitebrd.
All the servos and motor esc cables are on the bottom right.
Battery power to the flitebrd comes from the red (+) cable upper left, and blk (- under). I usually put 3mm connectors on these to make it easier to connect to whatever. I can supply both ends with 3mm, or just leave these as stubs.
Enclosed photo and schematic. Not shown on schematic is 2nd 5v output. This is a separate 5v regulator with +5/gnd connected to a 3 pin servo cable, that plugs into the end of the chain of servo connectors (see original photo).
There are 3 extra 3 pin connectors on the servo chain to allow for the power input (if used), and 2 other devices that may need power. Normally one also has the 1000uf cap connected also.

Hardware / Re: Hobbyking discontinued Revo & Revo Mini
« Last post by TheOtherCliff on August 05, 2022, 12:03:10 pm »
Showroom / Re: My first fixedWing plane
« Last post by Alex H. on August 05, 2022, 07:12:46 am »
This project is still on going :), I wasn't able to test the plane for the moment, but sometime in the future I will do it.
For the moment dust is all over it.
Vehicles - Ground / Brushless Motor
« Last post by Gray on August 05, 2022, 05:35:46 am »
Hey! Friends, I found several charts about brushless motors (Brushless Motor Chart), which explain the relationship between motor size, voltage, and speed very well. Honestly, this knowledge is very helpful for beginners. Saving these charts will save you time.
Hardware / Re: Hobbyking discontinued Revo & Revo Mini
« Last post by Alex H. on August 05, 2022, 04:49:01 am »
I will need help to identify the RF connector that should be on the board.

Looks like a MCX, as MMCX is too small.
Hardware / Re: Hobbyking discontinued Revo & Revo Mini
« Last post by Alex H. on August 05, 2022, 04:37:06 am »
Some mistakes have been made that day when I bought that board. I bought also a minimOSD 8$. As about the cables, now that it is talked about I wasn't thinking if the cables are included or not, only some options about S.H. and PIN heads were provided on rtf site. I have forgot about the pin heads, but I have some at home, this will not be a problem. Cables I still have some at home, possible the S.H. 10 pins connector also.

The remaining part will be the antenna connector on the board and the sma antenna adapter cable...

The board is advertised as naked for slim Fc profile... I don't even know that should mean, when there are so many cables hanging from the board.

I have found on aliexpress rfm22b boards with 4,2€, I have bought 4 of them with shipping was 21,15€.

I am still bellow 64€, as this one is asking on amazon:
Hobby King OpenPilot Revolution (Revo) 32bit F4 Based Flight Controller w/Integrated 433Mhz OPLink
Hardware / Re: Hobbyking discontinued Revo & Revo Mini
« Last post by TheOtherCliff on August 04, 2022, 11:25:46 pm »
TL;DR  If you intend to buy the RF parts and add them, you may as well buy a complete one.  On the other hand, if you need to swap the RF board for a different band (433MHz -> 868 or 915) anyway, then this seems like the way to go.

Now we need that enhancement to allow a Revo to act like a plain OpLink...

As a Revo class board but without telemetry it is a good price, especially if you buy multiples, but it looks like the RF connector, cables, antenna are missing too.  Probably the rest of the back-side components (for RFM22B) are there if you want to build it out.  Servo pins appear to be free if you want them.

eBay used to be a good place to buy things like RFM22B, but they want like $18+ (none from china) for them now!!!  Luckily aliexpress has them for $3.50 free shipping if you are willing to wait 2 months.  I don't know how long the Ali buyer protection is.  It may be a scam.  On eBay lately, if shipping says it will take more than 1.5 months, then don't order it because it probably won't arrive and they hope you will forget by then.

If you want to build it out, it is still about 18+8+4+5= $35 for 1 (without cables or antenna).  Much better price for 2+.  About (36+8+7+7)/2= $29 each for 2.
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