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Hardware / Re: Hobbyking discontinued Revo & Revo Mini
« Last post by Alex H. on August 04, 2022, 07:38:40 am »
Please share the link where you got your cheap Revo/Sparky2.

Sure, I can, as I'm not affiliated with them or something. Looks like they are located in USA Florida, and the cheapest shipping to Germany is 8$.
It is a Revolution V2, but looks like a combination between revo and sparky2 but without the RFM module.
Hardware / Re: Hobbyking discontinued Revo & Revo Mini
« Last post by trust on August 04, 2022, 06:25:44 am »
 I still have a ton of Atom flight controllers, which also work with Librepilot, but don't have a lot of the features such as connections for GPS, OPLINK, and more. We switched all of them out when we went with the mini REVOs - those still seem to be readily available. We were getting Atoms for $10-$20 each.
If all you want is stabilized flight controls, they work fine. Great for quadcopters.
I think these could handle up to 11 outputs with cPPM input. But we just used the 6 standard servo pin outputs.
Hardware / Re: Hobbyking discontinued Revo & Revo Mini
« Last post by TheOtherCliff on August 03, 2022, 09:08:53 pm »
Please share the link where you got your cheap Revo/Sparky2.  :)

18+8 is a great price for a Revo class FC !  ...  Hmmm, I do wonder if you might be getting a CC3D at that price.  If they have a picture, the easiest way for me personally to tell is by the size of the CPU chip in the middle, much smaller on CC3D.

Please come back and tell us about it when it comes in!
Hardware / Re: Hobbyking discontinued Revo & Revo Mini
« Last post by Alex H. on August 03, 2022, 07:24:20 pm »
It seem to me that these boards are available at reasonable cost, so it sounds a bit as if you are trying to generate interest in making them, or asking permission to make them.
Finally found one at 18$(I don't even know if these are legal, but the price looks good to me, comparing with 64Euro on amazon) + 8$ shipping, I was thinking that is oversea it will cost considerable more, but 8$ it's acceptable taking into account that I can add some other parts to my order.

Beware that dead looking projects can come back to life if there is money involved.  You try to sell boards and OpenPilot could tell you that you are legally required to pay them.
Only if the boards look the same with theirs :)... looking at the sparky project.

I'm fine with the cheap one I found...
Hardware / Re: Hobbyking discontinued Revo & Revo Mini
« Last post by TheOtherCliff on August 03, 2022, 08:09:41 am »
I am not a lawyer.  Personal beliefs on some close to legal sounding issues follow.

It seem to me that these boards are available at reasonable cost, so it sounds a bit as if you are trying to generate interest in making them, or asking permission to make them.

It's my belief that neither I nor LibrePilot have say so over anyone making them.  As I recall, be aware that they are CC NC by OpenPilot and thus you cannot legally make money from them (sell them).

Beware that dead looking projects can come back to life if there is money involved.  You try to sell boards and OpenPilot could tell you that you are legally required to pay them.

Some years back, after OpenPilot became inactive and LibrePilot was well established, LibrePilot got what was effectively a cease and desist on what was clearly simple public domain documentation, of the kind more recently published by
Hardware / Re: Power and signal distribution PCB for mini Revo flight controllers
« Last post by karla on August 03, 2022, 02:40:32 am »
Note, the servo connector area and power areas are separate - we can cut off the servo connect area and it can be used without the rest, or just re-positioned.  Also the 2nd 5V for the servos does not have to be included to save weight.

Let me know what options you want and I can quote a price.

Well, lets try two with the full board and two with only the servo area.
Would be interesting of you can post a some pictures with the mini Revo and servos etc connected.
Hardware / Re: Power and signal distribution PCB for mini Revo flight controllers
« Last post by trust on August 02, 2022, 06:26:21 pm »
Weight: 52g
Size: 35mm W x 145mm L x 30mm H - not including the wires out the back.
The servo area has 5V tied together as one wire (heavy trace on front and back)
The board itself has a single sided ground plane, also connected to servo ground.
1000uf bypass on servo area
5V 3A for servo area (but can be removed and use BESC power)
Separate 5V 3A for rcvr, fc, OSD, OPLINK, GPS, etc - 100uf bypass on this line
Up to 6S power input to the 2 linear voltage regulators - these parts also have overcurrent and overheat protection
Heat sink with 5V fan
OSD connector is designed to work with the minim OSD
Wing sensor is a 1k resistor pull to to 3.3V, designed to connect to a switch and use the Pwr Sens input we use for bimode (our custom version of Librepilot with 2 sets of mixers, plus a few other options)

Note, the servo connector area and power areas are separate - we can cut off the servo connect area and it can be used without the rest, or just re-positioned.  Also the 2nd 5V for the servos does not have to be included to save weight.

In general we have been using the mini REVO fc and using the 8 pin to 6 sets of 3 pin servo connectors (two times 6 = 12 outputs possible) to connect to this board.

S.bus allows all 12 to be used as outputs. cPPM needs one channel for the serial input, so 11 channels of output available.

Let me know what options you want and I can quote a price.
Hardware / Re: Hobbyking discontinued Revo & Revo Mini
« Last post by Alex H. on August 02, 2022, 04:35:42 pm »
Will it be fisable for someone to start again the production of these boards?
Revolution and sparky2?
Hardware / Re: Power and signal distribution PCB for mini Revo flight controllers
« Last post by karla on August 02, 2022, 04:02:00 am »
Yes, I am interested.
Its really a tough soldering job to get the servos connected and also the Amp limitations.
Can you give more specifications like size and weight?
Hardware / Power and signal distribution PCB for mini Revo flight controllers
« Last post by trust on August 02, 2022, 03:46:13 am »
As a part of our work with developing eVTOLs in the Hellaplanes, recently I designed a PCB that greatly simplifies connecting the mini REVO flight controllers for use in multirotors and winged aircraft. It provides two separate 5V 3A supplies, one for the receiver and flight controller (and other devices such as GPS, OPLINK, and OSD), the other for servos. If you use BESC, it can be used in place of the second 5v supply. Up to 6s battery input.
We found the extra power from servos could occasionally glitch the flight controller when they were grouped together - this prevents that.
It also has a socket for OSD, and some simple circuitry for our wing switch.
We normally use either cPPM serial or s.bus serial connections to receivers - this allows either up to 11 or 12 PWM outputs from the flight controller.
If anyone is interested, we can make some available for a modest cost.
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