LibrePilot Forum

Users => Vehicles - MultiRotors => Topic started by: Belko on April 26, 2016, 08:12:04 am

Title: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: Belko on April 26, 2016, 08:12:04 am
Hi guys!

This is my first config and I need some help.
My hardware is:

Frame: Diatone Blade 150 Carbon Fiber
Flight Controller: CC3D Atom Mini
Esc: DYS BLHeli BL20 mini 20A
Receiver: FrSky D4R-II 2.4G 4CH ACCST
Motors: DYS 1306 3100KV BX
Radio: FrSky 2.4G ACCST Taranis X9D Plus Transmitter

I'm trying to configure with PPM+OneShot Pin8. All config is fine but in the transmitter setup, LibrePilot cannot find my Taranis switch to change the flight mode (to acro or any) I tried to configure that on all Taranis switches, but I cant. I only can skip this step to finish the wizard.

Another problem I have is when I'm flying: Suddenly all the motors stops (no message from taranis) and my drone falls down for a second and after that returns throttle to them. This occurs when (thankfully) the diatone is very near to me and flying low. It's constantly repeated ( stops, reruns ) again and again and againt.
All this after having been flying a few minutes without any problem  :-\

I'm in a very dark tunnel
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: Daxo on April 26, 2016, 08:56:04 am
Hi Belko,

I had a similar issue, what worked for me is that I went to the Configuration - Input - Flight mode switch settings - and add another Flight mode(flight mode count) like shown in picture below.

Make sure to Save the new settings, there's a save button at the bottom right corner.

Then re-run the transmitter wizard and try now.

Regarding the Throttle drops, check all your solder joints for cold solder. It's possible there's a bad connection going on somewhere.

If that isn't it, try using another receiver and see if the issue repeats.

Hope it helps :)
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: Belko on April 26, 2016, 10:01:32 am
Thank you so much for the answer! I'll reconfigure on LP and return to comment the results.

About throttle drops, I have pending resold the BEC, power distribution, wires and rebuild all the components because  I was in a hurry to fly and I did it very fast.
I'm sure I can improve the build.

Best regards.  :)
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: Daxo on April 26, 2016, 10:18:36 am
Don't mention it, hope it helps to get that F-switch working on your Taranis  :D

Please share if it solved the issue, also I'm eager to hear how it turned out with those throttle drops, was it rx or something else.

Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: Belko on April 26, 2016, 10:45:02 pm
Solved!!  ;D ;D ;D

One more question: I'm having the same issue trying to configure Accessory0 to 3.
First of all I set LS, S1, S2 and RS controls on the Taranis as INPUTS, but LibrePilot wizard didn't detect when I move the sticks.

Which functions can I configure on it or... which functions usually people who flight quadcopter configure on Accessories?
It's necessary to configure more channels on the LibrePilot?

Thank you

Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: Daxo on April 28, 2016, 09:53:17 pm
Nice! :D

Regarding the Accessory's, I've just opened up the GCS and give it a go and see how to get it working so what I did was...

Bare in mind that I've never used Accessory's before, didn't need it and by all means this doesn't have to be the best way to do it but it worked!

Go to Configuration - Inputs - RC INPUT,  now enable Accessory's channels by selecting their type, in my case it is PPM.

Then assign a channel number to that Accessory, in my case Channel 6.

Again, this is how it is In my case, like shown in the image.

Now re-run the Transmitter setup wizard and that should be it.


Important notice, do set all switch positions to their neutral when asked, so your 3 position switch's (aside flight mode switch) have proper curve/value assignments

If this doesn't work, then you probably haven't assign properly a channel to a switch in your Taranis. Please let me know if that's the case so we can see if there's something turned on accidently or something else.

Hope it helps :D


Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: Belko on August 01, 2016, 12:43:27 am
Hi again!!! After some broken propellers, I had an issue with my Atom MINI-CC3D and I bought a new one (this time with bent pins, much better for my build)

After rebuilding the quad, I'm not able to set PPM+OneShot Pin8. I'm using the same cable that was working in the old Mini CC3D Atom.
In the transmitter setup wizard, I cant configure anything because I don't have Tx signal on pin 8 from CC3D which is connected to Channel 1 on D4R-II.

Its so extrange because in my old CC3D Atom it works perfectly.

Any solution for this issue?

Thank you so much.
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: f5soh on August 01, 2016, 01:01:00 am
You should use the FlexiPort as PPM input, seems there is a couple of CC3D Atom reverse engineered that do not follow original design and last pin do not work.

Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: Belko on August 01, 2016, 11:23:08 am
Thank you for your quick answer. :)

I put the wires as shown in your picture, but still having problems detecting Throttle stick.
My FlexiPort connector have 4 wires: Black - Red - Green and Yellow.
Black (GND) is connected to "-" in D4R-II, Red (VCC) is connected to "+" and Yellow is connected to signal CH1 on D4R-II

What I'm doing wrong?
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: f5soh on August 01, 2016, 12:06:16 pm
Did you reboot after PPM - HW change ?
Receiver powered ? Binded ? PPM jumper ? Right servo output ?

For debug purposes you can monitor the inputs, no need to start radio wizard.
Go to the System tab > UAVOBrowser and search for ReceiverActivity in Data side.
Try monitoring / debug the receiver activity moving one stick/switch at once.


Post a picture how you wired the receiver

Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: Belko on August 01, 2016, 02:25:58 pm
It's working now after rebooting  ;D
But cannot revert the Pitch (the only I need to modify, the other are well by default)

It's a good idea to try upgrading firmware?

Thank You!

Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: f5soh on August 01, 2016, 03:10:00 pm
Firmware is embedded inside GCS, what version do you use ?

At almost the last Radio wizard step (where the wizard ask you to check stick movements) you can revert the pitch
Same in RcInput tab you can revert pitch input.
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: Belko on August 01, 2016, 03:33:09 pm
I'm using CGS 15.09

Yes, I always need to revert the pitch in the Wizard. I just pick on the "check box" for pitch and then it was reverted,
But doing that now is not reverting anything at this time (with my old Atom using receiver port on Pin 8 it reverts OK)

Any idea to solve that?

Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: f5soh on August 01, 2016, 03:38:45 pm
The input port doesn't matter and nothing related to the pitch reverse.
If the radio wizard show fine stick movement at last step and board is oriented correctly you should not have any issues.

Your firmware is up to date, first resolve your issues.
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: Belko on August 01, 2016, 04:36:12 pm
Well, my issue is that: The pitch channel is reverted and I cant revert it from LibrePilot.
Marking the Pitch check in order to revert it during the Setup Wizard do nothing.

I don't know if I can revert it from the radio.

Updated: I will try to revert the pitch from the Taranis.
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: f5soh on August 01, 2016, 08:20:45 pm
Seriously, no need to change Pitch on Taranis.

I use daily a Taranis and i simply check the pitch checkbox in wizard.
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: f5soh on August 01, 2016, 08:34:03 pm
Skip to 1:00

Or revert in RcInput tab using the checkbox:

Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: Belko on August 02, 2016, 10:05:35 pm
Thank you for your video, f5soh.

I tryed to do exactly as shown in your video. With my old Atom I did it as your video successfully. (Atom PPM+OneShot Pin8) but this time (New Atom Receiver Port Disabled+OneShot and using PPM on FlexiPort as input) doing the same did not work. Seems like the Reverse Check do nothing in the Wizard. In the screen that you add, I'm not able to maintain the check on it, allways goes to blank. I'm using the latest LibrePilot avialiable in Fedora 24.

I did it in the Taranis.
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: Belko on August 02, 2016, 10:06:01 pm
I'm very angry with that:

It flew the first days well although I build it fast and without precision.
After some falls, broken propellers and several reconfigurations in OpenPilot, I decided to rebuild because I had some issues:

It suddenly began to veer to the right.

Sometimes -while flying- suddenly occurs loss of power and returns again after a fraction of second repeatedly.

I returned to solder the BEC and I verified all the connections.
When doing that I noticed that the receiver FrSky D4R-II was powered with 11.1V directly from the Lipo and in specifications I read that admits 10 volts maximum (however the CC3D Atom can be powered up to 15V)

In the rebuild I powered all the electronics with 5V and I could fly two times with no issues.

After serveral flights it returned to the same. I fit the trim to the maximum to the left in the transmitter but it did not solve anything
Another thing that happened after several minutes flying and/or after “landing” was that when pushing up “Throttle” gradually, the motors starts spinning at full power -some more accelerated than another- and crash to the ground immediately

I did many configurations in LibrePilot, calibrated it, verified the gyroscope but still doing the same. Impossible to control.

I decided to change the CC3D Atom and the BEC. After 4 waiting weeks, I soldered the new BEC, put the new CC3D Atom and removed the wire excess

New wizard on LibrePilot, calibrate it and first test flight in interior, returns to veer to the right (but thankfully it accelerates gradually)

I return to try and moving the throttle millimeter to millimeter it returns to accelerate of blow.
I have verified in the Taranis that the movement of the controls is gradual in the graphs (proportionally)

Discarding wiring, BEC, Transmitter and CC3D. What can be now?
Receiver D4R-II? the ESC? The motors? Everything simultaneously?
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: f5soh on August 02, 2016, 10:24:08 pm
Check do nothing in the Wizard.
That a instant change, if the stick movement is inverted you can see the change on screen
You can also check the stick movements using the left RcInput panel on PFD.

In the screen that you add, I'm not able to maintain the check on it, allways goes to blank.
Maybe because the board is armed or you choose "Always Armed"

This is not recommended put more than 10v because currently chinese replaced regulators and specs limit is 10V (or less)
Original (4 years old) CC3D can work with 15V but keep in mind the receiver got alos 15V...

it returns to accelerate of blow.
The Rpm that increase automatically while applying small amount of throttle is normal, the board accumulate the small error (The I term from PID) and try to compensate but cannot finalize because frame to not move at all.
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: Belko on August 03, 2016, 01:53:19 am
As I'm trying to explain to you unsuccessully since the beginning, my check does not work. Please, take a look to:

My board is not "Always Armed"

The RPM does not increase due the error trying to compensate by the gyro signal. (like when you catch the drone and move it with your hand)
This occurs with the drone starting from the ground (flat), calibrated, and the issue can be reproduced with two different CC3D Boards.

It is not normal behavior because I have flown successfully in the past with this frame.
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: f5soh on August 03, 2016, 02:31:12 am
The RPM does not increase due the error trying to compensate by the gyro signal. (like when you catch the drone and move it with your hand)
This occurs with the drone starting from the ground (flat), calibrated, and the issue can be reproduced with two different CC3D Boards.

All the boards i have here do the same.
Keep the frame still and apply a small amount of throttle.
If you are in Attitude, the small error is accumulated (can be 0.5° not level) and board try to correct the error.
The same can be done using rate, put your frame still and look at scopes what happens with Yaw axis ?
So the same occurs with a small amount of throttle, board try to compensate/correct the error and cannot move the frame.

Not sure what happens in your video, at least in second video you didn't move the sticks to full range so min/max/neutral are almost the same.

What mode do you select at wizard start ?

Edit : 2nd video, you try to revert the Pitch input while the manual calibration is running.
Stop calibration after you move all stick to min/max
Revert like you want
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: TheOtherCliff on August 04, 2016, 09:45:24 am
"Flew fine, then after some minor crashing it veers one way or another."

This is usually caused by vibration.  Replace or straighten bent motor shafts.  Balance and track props.  Track means that one tip is not higher than the other at all.
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: Belko on August 04, 2016, 11:28:13 am
Thanks for your answers . At first sight does not seem that the brushless motor shafts are damaged. I will check this accurately. I changed the propellers to a new ones and I'll change damaged screws too.
Dont know if there are part supplies for my motors. If I still having the issue I will buy new engines.

The other issue I have (not always):

The D4R-II could be damaged after applying 11.1 volts from 3S lipo direct connection? (a fully charged 3 cell is 12.6V) In my first build it was overvoltaged.

I don't know if a damaged receiver could explain that sometimes at minimum throttle (when the motors should start spinning slowly) they start like at full throttle. I'll try with the X8R Receiver included with the Taranis radio to discard it.

The motors during calibration wizard setup starts spinning at 1028 ms

Thank you so much.
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: Belko on August 04, 2016, 08:01:27 pm
Video uploaded with the issue:
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: f5soh on August 04, 2016, 08:51:56 pm
Something special with board mount / orientation ?
Check the PFD if behavior is correct.

After it does the flip, connect to the PC without disconnecting the battery and look how is the PFD.
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: Belko on August 04, 2016, 09:22:14 pm
Seems ok:

Will try and connect when starts making flips.
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: Belko on August 04, 2016, 09:44:43 pm
Hi, when start doing strange flips it seems that motor 1 does not spin
The flight data is that:

Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: f5soh on August 04, 2016, 09:50:41 pm
In second video the compass should not spin like that, or more more slowly.

Check if AttitudeSettings > ZeroDuringArming is set to True

Connect battery and wait for gyro init (fast blinking sequence on board) without moving the frame.
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: Belko on August 04, 2016, 11:24:04 pm
Yes, ZeroDuringArming is set to True

I pushed Level button without moving the drone and it stop spinning.
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: f5soh on August 05, 2016, 09:54:43 am
Please post your config file: File > Export UAV Settings
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: Belko on August 07, 2016, 11:40:03 am
Here it is   ;)
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: f5soh on August 07, 2016, 02:32:33 pm
Redo calibration, still not fine


Calibrate Esc and set the neutral values

Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: Belko on August 07, 2016, 07:12:21 pm
Sorry, in this config I edit several parameters.

This is my "Default" config after making a Vehicle Setup Wizard (both vehicle and Radio)
In Hardware tab, I need to Disable receiver port and set Flexi Port as PPM.

Attached right settings

Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: f5soh on August 07, 2016, 08:44:27 pm
From where those PID come from ?

Are you sure they are ok for a 150 sized frame ?
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: Belko on August 07, 2016, 09:36:48 pm
Yes, I flew well with this config in the past it's the same I use at first build.
I use the same hardware and same config. as this video:

Just tried with another receiver with same issue.
I Don't understand why after several attempts to fly, when I connect the board to the computer, always Flight Data is like that:

The only way to stop is /Configuration/Calibration and hit Level Button.

Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: f5soh on August 07, 2016, 11:29:01 pm
You should not move the frame during the gyro initialization
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: Belko on August 08, 2016, 12:25:34 am
While arming the quad, (roll left in my case) when fast led flash, I'm not moving the frame.
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: f5soh on August 08, 2016, 12:47:19 am
And at same time the PFD compass still spinning ?
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: Belko on August 08, 2016, 10:45:37 pm
No, the PFD does not spin
Seems like CC3D works well.

I did this:

- Default Setup
- Arming the quad
- Try to fly (Still is rolling to the right)
- Conneting again to USB
- Flight data seems ok and balanced

Might be a excessive motor vibration?
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: f5soh on August 09, 2016, 12:15:36 am
If you think is related to vibrations, try using Rate stabilization.

Double check how motors are connected, you can also test the outputs from Output tab where motors are labeled NE for North-East, etc..
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: Belko on August 09, 2016, 04:45:07 pm

After applying the "Rate" stabilization mode , I can fly !!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
But it seems as if I were flying in acro mode all the time.

Its possible to flight with some "stabilization help" avoiding return to veer to the right.
Which settings can I modify?

Thank you so much!  :)

Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: f5soh on August 09, 2016, 07:31:58 pm
Try Ratetrainer, not sure it works fine because seems you have issues with Accelerometers / Attitude.

Try starting motors and maintain firmly the frame to the ground, and connect to GCS at same time. Look at PFD.
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: Belko on August 10, 2016, 12:02:20 am
Starting motors and maintaining the frame to the ground (table):
I've configured this 3 flight modes. Are all right?

Looking at PFD have similar behavior in all 3 modes
I will test it soon outside.
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: f5soh on August 10, 2016, 12:10:02 am
The PFD rotate while you apply throttle / motors spin.
You should reduce vibrations or mount the FC case with double side foam and do not use RateTrainer as long as Accelerometers are not working correctly to estimate the board's attitude.
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: Belko on August 10, 2016, 09:14:28 am
I will buy a new motor to change for the unit that produces vibration. Surely it has the shaft slightly bent.
I notice it when I touch the axes of the motors while spinning, there are one that vibrates a bit more than the others.
The same test but without the propellers does not produce any movement in PFD when throttle increase.
Thank you very much for your help.
Title: Re: Setting PPM+OneShot Pin8
Post by: f5soh on August 10, 2016, 11:33:53 am
Only one propeller crashed and bent (can be a little vertically) can produce bad vibes.
Same propeller looks good at first look...