LibrePilot Forum
Users => Vehicles - MultiRotors => Topic started by: MikeNH on August 20, 2017, 05:36:56 pm
The ESCs on my LHI250 "X" kit quad are Emax Simonk 12amp. Why, after using the calibration wizard, are motors NW & NE (1&2) at 490Hz and the other two motors are 50Hz? I change them to 490Hz manually but I am trying to understand why Librepilot assigns the slower update rate to the SW & SE motors. I've searched for an answer but have not found one (at least that I can comprehend).
Thanks in advance for any information for this newbee.
Output page. Set all banks attached to all used outputs to 490.
Why, after using the calibration wizard, are motors NW & NE (1&2) at 490Hz and the other two motors are 50Hz?
Assuming you are using a CC3D, here is the Output tab:
output 1, 2 and 3 uses the bank1 set to PWM-490Hz (green color code)
output 4 use the bank2 set to PWM-490Hz (cyan color code)
Others banks (3&4) are used for output 5 to output 10, in this quad example not used for motors.
I appreciate the replies. I am using a CC3D.
If then, I was flying a hexcopter with the with the same ESCs, then channels 1-6 would be recognized as 490 Hz?
Because I am using channel 5 as the Flight Mode switch, is it true to say there is no practical advantage to setting the Hz to 490?
Thank you.
Look colors
Bank1 is output 1,2,3
Bank2 is output 4
Bank3 is output 5, output 7 + 8
Bank4 is output 6, output 9 + 10
Channel 5 as the Flight Mode switch has nothing to do with Outputs, just related to RC Inputs
If you really need a output running @50Hz with a hexacopter for some input/output mapping you need to connect some motors to the FlexiIO port and play with banks.
Thank you for the prompt replies and for all the great work on this Librepilot project.