LibrePilot Forum

Users => Vehicles - MultiRotors => Topic started by: MikeNH on August 20, 2017, 05:36:56 pm

Title: Output Configuration->Update rate: Why are they different?
Post by: MikeNH on August 20, 2017, 05:36:56 pm
The ESCs on my LHI250 "X" kit quad are Emax Simonk 12amp. Why, after using the calibration wizard, are motors NW & NE (1&2) at 490Hz and the other two motors are 50Hz? I change them to 490Hz manually but I am trying to understand why Librepilot assigns the slower update rate to the SW & SE motors. I've searched for an answer but have not found one (at least that I can comprehend).

Thanks in advance for any information for this newbee.
Title: Re: Output Configuration->Update rate: Why are they different?
Post by: TheOtherCliff on August 20, 2017, 06:27:25 pm
Output page.  Set all banks attached to all used outputs to 490.
Title: Re: Output Configuration->Update rate: Why are they different?
Post by: f5soh on August 20, 2017, 06:45:37 pm
Why, after using the calibration wizard, are motors NW & NE (1&2) at 490Hz and the other two motors are 50Hz?

Assuming you are using a CC3D, here is the Output tab:


output 1, 2 and 3 uses the bank1 set to PWM-490Hz (green color code)
output 4 use the bank2 set to PWM-490Hz (cyan color code)

Others banks (3&4) are used for output 5 to output 10, in this quad example not used for motors.
Title: Re: Output Configuration->Update rate: Why are they different?
Post by: MikeNH on August 21, 2017, 02:03:14 am
I appreciate the replies. I am using a CC3D.

If then, I was flying a hexcopter with the with the same ESCs, then channels 1-6 would be recognized as 490 Hz?

Because I am using channel 5 as the Flight Mode switch, is it true to say there is no practical advantage to setting the Hz to 490?

Thank you.
Title: Re: Output Configuration->Update rate: Why are they different?
Post by: f5soh on August 21, 2017, 03:00:00 am
Look colors

Bank1 is output 1,2,3
Bank2 is output 4
Bank3 is output 5, output 7 + 8
Bank4 is output 6, output 9 + 10

Channel 5 as the Flight Mode switch has nothing to do with Outputs, just related to RC Inputs

If you really need a output running @50Hz with a hexacopter for some input/output mapping you need to connect some motors to the FlexiIO port and play with banks.
Title: Re: Output Configuration->Update rate: Why are they different?
Post by: MikeNH on August 21, 2017, 03:48:51 am
Thank you for the prompt replies and for all the great work on this Librepilot project.