LibrePilot Forum

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: ufechner on January 25, 2017, 12:06:30 pm

Title: librepilot-gcs error on Ubuntu 16.04. QtQuick version 2.6 not installed
Post by: ufechner on January 25, 2017, 12:06:30 pm
I compiled librepilot-gcs from source, and get the following error when launching it:

/home/ufechner/librepilot/build/librepilot-gcs_release/lib/librepilot-gcs/plugins/LibrePilot/ Cannot load library /home/ufechner/librepilot/build/librepilot-gcs_release/lib/librepilot-gcs/plugins/LibrePilot/ (/usr/lib/ undefined symbol: gotoblas)

Any idea?

I already tried to use a different version of by running:
sudo update-alternatives --config

But this did not help.

Uwe Fechner
Title: Re: librepilot-gcs error on Ubuntu 16.04. undefined symbol goto blas
Post by: ufechner on January 25, 2017, 12:38:53 pm
I was able to solve this problem with the command:
sudo update-alternatives --config

But now there is a second problem, only when I try to show the "About"

I get the message:
qrc:/core/qml/AboutDialog.qml:24:1: module "QtQuick" version 2.6 is not installed

Any idea how to install it?


Title: Re: librepilot-gcs error on Ubuntu 16.04. QtQuick version 2.6 not installed
Post by: f5soh on January 25, 2017, 08:11:07 pm
Did you install the packages like listed here ?

"Debian and Ubuntu xenial or newer"