LibrePilot Forum
Users => Vehicles - Ground => Topic started by: inoxas on September 06, 2016, 04:20:42 pm
Hello all,
I plan to use CC3D or NAZE32 to do an active suspension on a crawler.
I'll only user Roll and pitch but i have to manage 4 servos (1 per suspension).
Someone can tell me how to set up this?
In my mind, this is the same problem as maintaining roll and pich for a quadcopter (drone) but in place of rotors, i have servos.
Any idea?
It's not really that much like a quadcopter but it is similar to camera gimbal stabilization. You might try searching for that.
The first thing that comes to mind is to use the camera stabilization, but you have two servo only.
I don't know whether it can be a viable option, but you can try with the custom vehicle tab, setting something like this:
( (
The AUX0 channel is to enable the stabilization at zero throttle (you don't have throttle) once armed.
( (
Just an idea, don't know if it will work...
Hello all again,
@liftbag it seems to be a good idea, with PWM management !!! thx so much
I read lot of things and it appear that ESC used for activating rotors works exactly as servos, so i'll try thursday (when i'll received CC3D and 4 servos).
I'll post infos and photos if it works, i'll test for first on my RC truck , i'll try to "stabilize" the dump (less cost and less engineering for parts)