I have open Pilot CC3D attached to a receiver which can accept signals from a RC transmitter after configuration through GCS ..

Objective is to - Send these control signals ( YAW/THROTTLE/ROLL/PITCH ) from R Pi or through Arduino ( whichever is best to transmit signals) by using a simple Radio transmitter , like 433 mhz TX,

I want to use a USB based Game controller , which will be connected to Raspberry PI and then it can transmit signals through radio to receiver...

Is this feasible or need to be scrapped...

What are you trying to accomplish.  Just get a solid 2.4ghz tx/RX combo and fly
5" alien 4s 596grams with battery and GoPro FPV
Lantian LT210 4s 604grams with batt and GoPro FPV
GE X220 4s 6" 513grams with batt and HD cam FPV
Homemade acro X copter. 6" 4s - like a warpquad LOS

It's all possible if you can write code for it if you find the current code lacking for what you want.

The FC's have many different RC input protocols.  Use any of these that your device of choice can output.  PWM, PPM, SBus, DSM, etc. with several more added in the up coming release.

GCS has joystick capability built in and that can be used to control the vehicle from a PC if you have an RF telemetry link set up.

OpLinks can be configured to act like an RC PPM transmitter / receiver.


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I can give a code that i edit but you need to finish him. I agree with NicholasDavid just get a radio or by this http://pt.aliexpress.com/item/JJRC-H16-YiZhan-Tarantula-X6-IOC-RC-Quadcopter-Spare-Parts-Remote-Control-Transmitter-X6-14/32462501418.html?spm=2114.30010508.3.10.vZzU4r&ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_0,searchweb201602_5_10037_10017_507_10033_10032,searchweb201603_10&btsid=e3edf312-ae01-4528-b7eb-811c0093aece to start and i send you the code for arduino to comunicate using a NRF24L01 at 2.4ghz.
The ino code is attached so. Good luck. I quit of this project because is unstable the control.

PS: This is the V202 protocol but you can edit with other protocols.