LibrePilot Forum

Users => Vehicles - MultiRotors => Topic started by: ldellus on September 23, 2017, 03:12:34 pm

Title: Revo with GPS and INS13
Post by: ldellus on September 23, 2017, 03:12:34 pm

My revo based quad is flying great with Complementary+Mag+GPSOutdoor but will flips over when changing to GPS Navigation (INS13).

I used Autotune, which worked well, and I believe my PIDs are set correctly.

I calibrated all the sensors many times, nothing helps. I calibrated the internal and external MAGs and they show very little error, less than 5%.

My GPS is a Mini Ublox Neo-6M GPS for CC3D & Revolution flight controller w/built-in compass. I connected the compass to the Flexi port via I2C and the GPS to the Main port via UBX.

What I don't understand is why it is flying great with Complementary+Mag+GPSOutdoor but not with GPS Navigation (INS13)? what am I missing?

Thanks for your help!


Title: Re: Revo with GPS and INS13
Post by: f5soh on September 23, 2017, 03:43:05 pm
Hi, welcome.

Complementary+Mag+GPSOutdoor almost ignore the mag while flying so it "works" but you can lost the heading while simply doing fast maneuvers and finally crash if using any GPS assisted mode.

You must double check the Auxmag orientation and only use the INS13.
Usual Auxmag orientation is RPY 0,180,0 or 180,0,180 remaining the same.
The 3 bars can help you if orientation is not correct.

Title: Re: Revo with GPS and INS13
Post by: ldellus on September 23, 2017, 09:44:00 pm
Thanks a lot for the information.

My RPY is 0,180,0 and the 3 bars are pretty much around zero but I admit it's not perfect. I tried different RPY settings and could find anything better. I'll try 180,0,180 again and see if it works.


Title: Re: Revo with GPS and INS13
Post by: f5soh on September 23, 2017, 10:37:31 pm
All 3 bars will stay or remain to 0 after you change and keep the frame orientation in any direction (look video).
That slightly different than trying random numbers while the frame is steady.

Keep away all magnet devices like Lipo saver or buzzers.
Title: Re: Revo with GPS and INS13
Post by: ldellus on September 27, 2017, 10:42:47 am
It turns out my RPY was fine at 0,180,0. The problem was that I configured the FC to use both magnetometers. I changed the setup to use only the ext mag and the problem was solved. I can now finally try to fly VR.
