Bad Cthulhu Cable?
« on: April 19, 2016, 02:46:40 pm »
Hello all! 

Recently on my new build, I think I may have hit a snag and the culprit (may) be pointing back to my 8-pin connector cable that came with my CC3D. 

Its this (junktastic) uber thin wired, single connector end, Fleabay special.

Long story short, I was going through the AC setup process and got the FC calibrated/configured and then went to hook up my Rx (Lemon) via PPM and no joy...  Flipped the wires, swapped a couple - still nothing.   Hook it up to the lower set of pins (bind) and you get lights.   Sometimes it was like the connex was hit/miss. 

Hook it up to my Spektrum 8ch via PWM and I can bind my Tx.  (Or so it appears). 
Thats when the Tx input setup goes wonky.   Sometimes it sees my stick input, other times it skips it and goes to the next one.  I think I managed to botch/skip my way through it, only to find that NONE of my stick/switch programming attempts were being seen.

I would venture to say at this point that I have a suspect breakout cable (hence why I am replacing it)  Is there any other way to effectively 'test' this cable?   

And FWIW, the color configs/pinouts of these harnesses seem to differ from Cthulhu to Cthulhu.

Could *that* be a contributing factor?   ;D


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Re: Bad Cthulhu Cable?
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2016, 02:58:57 pm »
Hi, welcome.

You should not take in account the colors wires but position / pin number.

There is two PPM pins possible:
- the first (pin3) should not be used anymore, this refers to receiver port as PPM+NoOneShot in Hardware tab.

- second, prefered because allow Oneshot feature is pin8 and PPM_Pin8+neShot  in Hardware tab.

Take a look here:

or look connexion diagram while setup using Wizard