As many of you know, RS2K have added AlwaysStabilizeWhenArmed in betaflight naming it Airmode. He already added this feature in OP 15.05.
AlwaysStabilizeWhenArmed is self-explanatory, the control loop is always active, even with throttle below zero and motors in idle.
You can enable the feature by setting "True" System > Settings > FlightModeSettings > AlwaysStabilizeWhenArmed.
This is useful to maintain the multicopter control on all occasions that require zero throttle, such as a quick altitude loss to center the gate, or when you stop a flip in the inverted position for a long time.
AlwaysStabilizeWhenArmed works perfectly, but needs a safety feature that will be available in the next release, and early in the next beta.
Everyone using a combination of stick to arm/disarm the motors cannot use AlwaysStabilizeWhenArmed, because arming/disarming is understood as a command, and may overturn multicopter on the ground.
Currently only those using a switch on an accessory channel to arm/disarm can safely use AlwaysStabilizeWhenArmed.
In the next release AlwaysStabilizeWhenArmed will be activated from the gui (Output tab).
In addition, those who use the stick combination to arm/disarm, can disable AlwaysStabilizeWhenArmed in Flight mode switch position (input tab) so to have a fligh mode safe for takeoff and landing.