LibrePilot Forum

Users => Vehicles - MultiRotors => Topic started by: rcboosted on March 16, 2016, 08:23:17 am

Title: TX Wizard not seeing input
Post by: rcboosted on March 16, 2016, 08:23:17 am
I hope this is the right place for this. I just received the HK DYS320 quad with a CC3D board. This is my first CC3D board, I'm used to Naze with CF. Had everything set up last night, flashed firmware, Vehicle wizard, TX wizard ready to go.  I had trouble with TX Wizard initially under OpenPilot, but switching to LibrePilot and reflashed everything I was able to get stick movements to show on pin 8.  But tonight, it stopped registering movements in GCS.

I have a Devo7e with LemonRx 8ch ppm receiver. In the config->hardware tab, I have PPM+NoOneShot selected and saved. The main and flex ports are disabled. The RX input on the left side of the CC3D I have the 1st pin, gnd to Rx gnd, 2nd pin power, to Rx power. 3rd pin, ppm to the last pin on the Rx. (bind pins unsed) The Rx is properly bound and lights up when Tx is on. I've even tried another identical Rx from a known working Tricopter that just flew 5 min ago.  I also tried PPM_Pin8+OneShot etc. nothing's working. I also tried all 6 pins 3-8 under ppm, nothing of course. Anyone have similar issues before? The wiring is correct, I had it on a tricopter, same wiring.

Maybe it's a bad board? That'll suck really bad. One of the DYS esc already fried itself on power up, now the CC3D board doesn't work.
Title: Re: TX Wizard not seeing input
Post by: f5soh on March 16, 2016, 10:48:19 am
If you want to use PPM and benefit the PWMSyncr/OneShot feature you should use the pin8 and PPM_Pin8+OneShot under Hardware tab.

Remember every change in HW tab need a reboot: disconnect USB and battery.
Try testing the receiver in the other setup to be sure is still working ?
Title: Re: TX Wizard not seeing input
Post by: rcboosted on March 16, 2016, 07:08:08 pm
Thanks for the reply.  So if I don't use OneShot, can I still select PPM_Pin8+OneShot?  In other words, I can use either pin3 or pin8 for ppm input for the CC3D, just have to make sure to pick the correct one in the hardware menu. 

I'm pretty sure I've rebooted, I waited a min before plugging back in as well. When I don't see a response in GCS, I switched the pins on the CC3D board and tried all 6.  I can test the Rx in another bird, but shouldn't the Rx that came from the good bird that was flying 5 min ago work on this CC3D board?
Title: Re: TX Wizard not seeing input
Post by: f5soh on March 16, 2016, 07:29:21 pm
PPM_Pin8+OneShot works for all output modes, recommended because you can at least set Ouputs to PWMSyncr.

You can monitor receiver activity, go to Data > ReceiverActivity and look what happens when you move sticks.
No need to configure the input tab.


No need to try all pins, the code only allow PPM on pin3 or pin8 according to setting you choose in HW tab.

Title: Re: TX Wizard not seeing input
Post by: rcboosted on March 16, 2016, 09:47:47 pm
I will give that a try tonight.  thanks.
Title: Re: TX Wizard not seeing input
Post by: aa8mc on March 17, 2016, 01:52:02 am
Another possibility is that if you made any changes on the TX, you may have accidentally disabled PPM output.  I don't know anything about that RX/TX combo but on my FlySkY I have to explicitly set the RX to PPM mode any time things get reset on the TX.
Title: Re: TX Wizard not seeing input
Post by: rcboosted on March 17, 2016, 05:49:13 am
Everything seems to work tonight, didn't change anything.  I must have not restart the board when I changed things around, not sure.  The board is ready to go.  But since one of the ESC decided to let out the magic smoke, I have to wait for new escs to come in.  I also got another CC3D board coming in case this one is just flakey or it only works on even dates and not odd dates.  Thanks to all who helped!