LibrePilot Forum

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Filippo94 on April 21, 2016, 11:12:25 am

Title: DX6I up to 6 flight modes
Post by: Filippo94 on April 21, 2016, 11:12:25 am
Hello! Just wanted to share with you an Idea I had to get more than two flight modes out of Channel 5 of the DX6I (mine it's the old DSM2 one, not sure for the new DX6) to be configured in the LibrePilot GCS Flight mode panel.

It's pretty easy: you'll be able to access different flight modes using a combination of different switches, which will modify the output of the Channel 5 based on the mixes the DX6I offers.

So, this is what you have to do:

To set up 4 flight modes

You can either use Mix 1 or Mix 2. Set the Mix lines like so:

Code: [Select]
RATE D- 75% U- 75%
SW [your choise] TRIM INH

The choises you have to set the mix active or not are:


I'd not suggest the last one for obvious reasons.

Now you can set on the GCS 4 flight modes, to be configured the way you prefer. Remember this is the combination:

  • GYRO 0
    Switch 0
  • GYRO 0
    Switch 1
  • GYRO 1
    Switch 1
  • GYRO 1
    Switch 0
Remember your GYRO switch is more important than the other, you can go from 1 to 4 just flipping it. Thinking about it as a linear set of flight modes might not be the right way to look at it.


To set up 6 flight modes

You have to use Mix 1 and Mix 2. Set the Mix lines like so:

Code: [Select]
RATE D- 45% U- 45%
SW [your choise] TRIM INH
Code: [Select]
RATE D- 45% U- 45%
SW [your choise] TRIM INH

The choises you have to set the mix active or not are:


I'd not suggest the last one for obvious reasons.

Now you can set on the GCS 6 flight modes, to be configured the way you prefer. Remember this is the combination:

  • GYRO 0
    Switch 0
    Switch 0
  • GYRO 0
    Switch 1
    Switch 0
  • GYRO 0
    Switch 1
    Switch 1
  • GYRO 1
    Switch 1
    Switch 1
  • GYRO 1
    Switch 1
    Switch 0
  • GYRO 1
    Switch 0
    Switch 0
The way you choose your switches is not important, as they stack one over the other. The way you have to think about it is GYRO On/Off with zero, one or two switches on.  An important thing you have to keep in mind is that they do not behaive like a binary code, so that's why you don't get 8 flight modes. This means that you can't just have your current flight mode, then flick a switch and have "another set of flight modes" to choose between, only the GYRO switch can do that.

It is possible that you'll loose one of your dual rate switches, to use it to set one of the flight modes. In this case you'll have to set its dual rate and expo to 100/INH, unless you know what you're doing. When you're using four flight modes, you can recover only the dual rate using the other mix, if available, and setting it like in the first example, but instead of Gyro using the channel you want to resize, putting your D/R percentage in the negative amount of correction*, to then be actived on another switch of your choise. This way you can still have cyclic D/R (not Expo!) on one single switch, for example. Be sure to disable the Expo on the D/R switch if necessary, you may not want to have Expo only on Roll, and not on Pitch.
Remember you can configure the aggressiveness of your model in the GCS too, using flight modes.

* If you've set 75% D/R in your D/R&EXPO setting, you want to have the output reduced by 25% (100%-75%). This means that in the Mix you're using to emulate the D/R, you want to put - 25%. Be careful with the Math!

Please, this can get confusing quite fast, so be careful how you set it, and be sure to do it in an intuitive way. It's not a wrong thing to write a Diagram of your flight modes to put close to your model, so that you can check it every time you need it. If you feel you might get confused by all this, stick with less flight modes, better to have fewer but sure, than a lot of flight modes that you don't remember what they do.

Be careful, and happy flying :D
Title: Re: DX6I up to 6 flight modes
Post by: Jayson Black on April 22, 2016, 10:28:59 am
thanks dude. I too own this radio. The old DSM2 One. Biggest help ;)